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July 9, 2021 Category: Jobs (3 minutes read)

The Importance Of Emotional Intelligence In Workplaces

As business professionals, you’re expected to have technical knowledge and skills that help you at your job. You’re expected to know the ins and outs of the industry you work in to help improve innovation in the organization you’re employed at.

Your entire career, however, is mainly dependent on your emotional intelligence, whether you realize it or not. Emotional intelligence is what distinguishes outstanding performers from mediocre ones, according to Harvard Business Review. It’s also the best way to differentiate employees who have the same level of technical skills and IQ.

Recruiters are increasingly searching for individuals with a high emotional intelligence level to join their organization. Such individuals are considered to be driven and easy to work with.

What is emotional intelligence?


One’s emotional quotient is considered to be the ability to perceive, understand, and manage your own emotions. It is also considered the ability to understand and predict the emotions of those you’re interacting with. Other important aspects of emotional intelligence include internal motivation, empathy, and social skills.

Here are some of the main reasons why emotional intelligence has become so important in the corporate workplace:

Higher emotional intelligence allows you to exceed in your career

Doing the right thing at the right time will take you very far in life. This holds true for your career as well, but how do you recognize these golden opportunities? Emotional intelligence garnered over the years helps you with that.

Employers look for employees that are self-motivated and will actively participate in making the business a success and take it to new heights. An employee with a higher level of emotional intelligence will know how to work their way up an organization by:

  • Taking on more work to prove themselves to upper management
  • Coming up with innovative solutions for the company
  • Leading teams
  • Building positive relationships with clients and bringing in more clients for the business.

All these moves will surely compel upper management to recognize the hard work that’s put in, which results in promotions and added responsibilities.

Ability to self motivate

With a higher emotional intelligence comes the ability to self motivate. You know that you want to build a career for yourself and you’re doing what you love, that in itself is enough to keep you motivated in the workplace. On the days when you feel demotivated, work on ways to cope with the situation and help yourself come out of it.

However, every single day won’t be as exciting. You will face hardships in your career, how you come out of such a situation is what matters. Take on every hurdle that comes your way with a positive attitude. If there’s an issue with a client, take a step back from the problem to assess what the next best step is going to be. Likewise, if you’re having any issue with a colleague, do the same. A combination of self-assessment and empathy for the other person will lead you to the best solution.

Improves your mental wellbeing

With a higher emotional intelligence comes a more positive attitude in life. Those who have a higher EQ are generally happier since they’re better able to regular their moods. Conflict resolution is a breeze when you have a higher emotional quotient since you’re able to empathize and see things from another person’s perspective.

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https://www.futurelearn.com/info/blog/emotional-intelligence-at-work#:~:text=Having a high level of,positive about yourself and situations.
