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June 7, 2021 Category: Jobs (2 minutes read)

3 Ways to Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed In Your Job Search

All of us have experienced the overwhelming and unsettling feeling of not being able to find a job. Even the most successful professionals were once in your shoes.

There are several reasons why a job search can get tedious and exhausting. These can include not knowing why you were rejected if you were rejected or why you didn’t receive the follow-up interview call. You’re rarely aware of who else is in the competition with you. It can be scarier if you’re already out of work and your bank balance is diminishing day by day.

It helps to think of job hunting as a job itself because of the amount of time and effort you’re putting in filling out applications and in giving interviews. It can be a dreadful feeling when you know you’re doing everything right from filling out job applications perfectly to fine-tuning your resume again and again, only to not be able to find a job. It’s important to put yourself first during these trying times.

Here are some ways you can manage your job search stress:

Setting Manageable Deadlines

The keyword is manageable.

Job search can feel daunting if you keep reminding yourself that it’s a long process. Setting long-term and unrealistic goals for yourself during a job search can backfire in the form of extreme stress.

Alternatively, you can keep your motivation up by setting and meeting short-term goals. You can begin by fine-tuning your resume in one week. Your resume needs to depict who you are as a person. This makes it important for you to take as much time as you want to develop the perfect resume. The next week can be set aside to update and format cover letters while the week after can be dedicated to posting your candidate profile on online job search portals.

Don’t Fall Into The Rabbit Hole

It can be tempting to apply to every vacancy that you come across—whether it’s a preschool teacher or a chief operating officer. This will not only lead to several disappointments but will also feel like a blow on your self-esteem. If you’ve already applied to a ton of jobs mindlessly, you’ve fallen into the rabbit hole of unemployment.

In order to make your way out, you need to narrow down your research and look for jobs that you’re actually interested in and can see yourself growing in. This will not only allow you to put your heart into the job application but it’ll also help you ace interviews.

Get Support From Friends

When you look around your social circle, you only see and admire people who seem to have their lives together with the stellar job offer they just received. While you can be happy for your friends, but if you’re only looking at successful people, you’re ignoring the ones who are in the same boat as you.

It’ll be extremely beneficial if you have a job search partner to keep you on track. The two of you can share ideas, proofread each other’s applications and know that you aren’t alone in this.  

An online job portal is an incredible resource to start your job search. Log on to Jobslog to look at vacancies from across industries including telecommunication, advertising and banking. Post your resume today!


