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June 16, 2021 Category: Jobs (3 minutes read)

3 Career Questions to Ask Yourself In 2020

Your job has a huge impact on the quality of your life. If you have a job that you don’t enjoy, or even hate, you can see how those feelings flow in your day to day life.

Though, it’s understandable that sometimes life puts you in circumstances, where you’re not left with any other choice. Maybe you chose a profession because your parents dreamt about it, or to pay back your student loan.

Your career shouldn’t have to be a status symbol for you. It should make you feel happy. If you desperately wait for Friday evenings, and you feel stressed as Sunday comes closer to an end, you’re probably not on the right career path.

According to a Gallup study, not even one third of all workers in the United States feel engaged with their jobs.

But if you want to make a difference in your life, the beginning of a new year is the perfect time. January is all about reflections and resolutions. If your career is more of a burden for you, we don’t suggest you leave it right away.

First, ask yourself these 3 very important questions.

Is My Work Exciting?

There are days when you feel low and don’t want to work, but if it’s happening every day, you don’t like your job; you just like the fact that you’re not unemployed.

Peta Kelly, leader of a global movement, “The New Way To Live”, a self-made millionaire, and a motivational speaker, told Unconventional Life“Excitement is the compass.” She said that everyone is a genius in their own way, with a unique set of talents, skills, and abilities. People cannot be effective, fully productive, creative, happy, and successful, “if they are only moving based on what’s practical and logical.”

If your current job doesn’t excite you, discuss your job role with your boss for any revisions.

Am I Developing More Skills?

Upskilling is extremely important for career growth. According to the CEO of Work It DailyJ.T. O’Donnell, if your current job isn’t adding to your skill set, your job (and you) will become obsolete in some years. If your skill set, job role, responsibilities, or job title has been the same for more than three years, it’s alarming. If your job isn’t providing you with opportunities to develop your skill set; ask yourself for what you want, seek platforms outside of work to upgrade your skills, or switch to another organization that prioritizes employee growth and development.

Am I Solely Engaged in My Job?

This question is very important and you need to be honest with this one. Ask yourself if you’ve been avoiding challenging tasks, if you’re starting to become comfortable with where you are, if you’re not working toward your goal anymore. If the answer is “yes” to any of this, know that you’re not being honest with your career and your professional goals. To get out of this career rut, leave your comfort zone, set some new goals, create a worked out plan to achieve your goals, and be willing to take calculated risks.

If you’re searching for better career opportunities, the experts at Jobslog can help! On our online job portal, you can find a vast range of job vacancies in advertising agencies, telecommunication, banking, and many other sectors. Register for your candidate profile today!


