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February 7, 2022 Category: Human Resources (1 minute read)

How to Set Boundaries in the Workplace Using the Jade Method

Know your worth

If we don't feel enough, it's impossible to feel enough.

Our collective knowledge, insights and perspectives provide a unique value only found in us.

Knowing our value and worth helps us make better decisions about how we do business, communicate with other people, and respond to challenges.

Keep it simple and straightforward.

It might be "Sorry for bothering" and "I hate being in pain." We could discuss flextime. " 

Apologizing is when we apologize for something.

Transparency and openness are crucial to our success.

It's OK to set boundaries. We can change our minds.

Manage expectations

We are provided with a job description and a contract when we begin work. You can also request modifications to your workplace.

It is possible to alter the baseline as long as expectations are clear and realistic.

If expectations are unclear, not understood or agreed upon, it can cause stress and fear.

Identify your nonnegotiables

All work decisions involve compromises and results

A list of nonnegotiables is helpful. This will allow you to weigh the effects of your work decisions.

Although overtime can be stressful for families, it helps us save money on our down payment. This could be because of dehydration or not getting enough rest.

We cannot miss a parent or school event.

Communication methods might be one of our non-negotiables. This will allow us to identify our top priorities and negotiate with others.

Remote work requires boundaries.

Working remotely is a great way to learn. Remote workers are more likely than others to be distracted by emails.

Remote work requires higher levels of consciousness to make space in our lives. We need to have open discussions with our coworkers to ensure respect and understanding.

