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December 1, 2021 Category: Business (1 minute read)

Cornering the Millennial Market: Why Businesses Need a Unique Brand Identity

Your brand is important.

The heart drives the millennial market, not the brain.

What does this all mean? First, this means that millennials are more interested in identifying with your brand than traditional exchanges of goods and money.

They expect you to be customer-centric and put the customer's needs first. Your goal as a brand is not to sell your product. It's about solving the problems that are common to your target market.

This customer-first approach will help you create a community of consumers who share your brand values.

More important than ever are your values

How can you get consumers to support your brand with millennials reaffirming the importance of brand identity in today's market? Values.

Nearly seven out of 10 American millennials consider the brand's values before making a purchase. Let this sink in for a moment.

Your brand must be able to communicate its ethical and moral values to appeal to the millennial audience.

Don't be afraid of highlighting your ethical and moral wins, whether it's a greater focus on sustainability or transparent, ethical manufacturing processes. This may require a greater investment over the short-term, but the long-term benefits are a loyal, engaged brand community that is invested in your brand.

A digital identity is essential.

The millennial generation is a digital native.

At the risk that I sound like the old man at the corner talking about the good times, it's safe for me to say that millennials and the Internet go hand in hand. This market is not losing sight of the importance of being able to access the Internet from any device, whether it's their smartphone or laptop.

This shows us that your brand's digital identity is crucial. If your brand is not easily found, how can you expect to build a community?

These numbers aren't lying either. With 92% of millennials owning a smartphone, the US millennial market makes


