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August 17, 2022 Category: Human Resources (9 minutes read)

Here are 5 tips to help you find a job as a person of transgender identity

Transgender people can have confused about even a simple piece of information like their name during the interview process. While aligning your name across all legal documents may help to reduce confusion, it is not always possible for everyone to do so due to the high costs involved. The USTS reports that 32% of respondents who "shown an identification with a name and gender that didn't match their gender presentation were verbally harassed or denied benefits or service, asked for leave, or assaulted."

To help ease some confusion, there are a few simple steps you can take before you reach the interview stage. Interview with Amira Sunny–Slitine, a career coach at Happy Onion Collaborative, who has a particular interest in working with LGBTQIA+ job applicants, said that she would recommend sending an email to the interviewer before the interview in which you state your excitement to meet them, and then sign off with your name, pronouns, and signature at the bottom. This will enable the interviewer to know your pronouns before meeting you.

Interviewing can be one of the most challenging aspects of job hunting. Interviewing can be even more stressful for transgender people and those who are not bisexual. The National Center for Transgender Equality (USTS), the largest survey of transgender Americans in America, found that 27% reported being fired, denied promotion, or not being hired for their job due to their gender identity.

Stress can be difficult to prepare for. However, there are tips that transgender and non-binary people can use to ease the stress of gender expression during job interviews.

Background: What does it mean for a transgender person?

Transgender people have a different gender identity than the one they were born with. While some may already be transitioning to their gender identity, others are still trying to. Unfortunately, many people are still "closed" at work and delay, hide, or conceal their transition, fearing losing their job and how their coworkers view them.

There are many misconceptions about transgender people. Transgender people don't always need to have surgery or use hormones. Many transgender people are unable to or unwilling to pay for these procedures. Trans people dress up and show their gender identity at the very least some of the time, regardless of medical intervention. This FAQ will provide more information about it.

This is how to treat transgender candidates with respect during the hiring process

You can use the name the candidate gives to you, even though it may be different from the one on your official documents.

Trans candidates may use one name on their resumes and another on official documents. Don't use their name. It could be the name they use in their resume or email signature.

They may prefer to wait until they get offered a job or for an interview. If you are having trouble remembering, be attentive and pay attention. You would probably do this anyway for someone who claimed they liked a nickname.

Many transgender individuals will have to change their names at one point. It may take time to update records, documents, and IDs. A National Center for Transgender Equality (Natal LGBTQ Task Force) showed that 82% of transgender individuals had not yet changed names on all platforms. You can casually ask them if their name appears different on certain documents.

It's OK to ask someone for the correct pronouns if you're unsure.

One trans professional said it is better to ask someone directly about pronouns than guess.

As a rule of thumb, ask candidates if they say they are transgender. Also, ask them if they don't know their gender identity (especially if they have gender-neutral names). I believe this is the best way to interview trans employees.

Ask the candidate, "What are your correct pronouns?" While some people might be anxious, most transgender people prefer to avoid confusion.

The Professional pointed out something I didn't know. The convention is used to ask about preferred pronouns. But this is changing. They are not selected; they are my pronouns. Discuss your anti-discrimination policies with HR. There may be resources already available to assist you in learning more about trans people. Discuss your company's policies with your HR department.

Trans applicants may ask you if your workplace is LGBT-friendly or if there are policies that prohibit discrimination. You should be ready to answer if they ask. Talk to HR if the answer is not satisfactory to discuss improvements. Don't be afraid to say the wrong things. Be open and receptive. You can offer a quick apology and then learn from your mistakes.

You might make mistakes, such as calling someone the wrong name if they are transgender. But unfortunately, it's easy to ignore an error instinctively and hope they don’t notice.

It is a sign that you are respectfully taking the time to apologize and acknowledge your error. It doesn't need to be a significant issue or cause the person discomfort. It doesn't have to be a substantial issue.

Ask the person not to disclose if they are transgender.

If you don't believe a candidate is transgender, do not press them. This does not impact their ability to do the job.

Trans applicants are not allowed to reveal their gender identity to anyone even though they are transitioning. It's okay. They might not be prepared or concerned about the possible consequences. According to the NCTE and National LGBTQ Task Force studies, more than half of trans applicants felt forced to hide their gender identity and defer transitioning to protect themselves from being mistreated.

It is your responsibility to find the perfect person for the job. It should instead be about testing essential skills and qualifications for the job.

Don't stare at (or act out of character)

One professional said that interviewers stared at him to see if he was transgender. As a result, he felt uncomfortable regardless of whether the interviewers knew.

One of the most bizarre things recruiters do is stare at hardcore trans applicants. Some avoided eye contact, which is a clear sign of disrespect.

Strange looks are not the only odd behavior trans people experience daily. For example, strangers often ask people about their genitals. This is not something you would ask a stranger (at least, not if it's serious about your job and you don't want to be punched).

Ask questions that you would not ask any other candidate

Two of the three transgender employees I spoke to shared their stories of embarrassing interview questions. One trans employee was once asked why she was wearing the gown. It was unprofessional, she was told.

As with the previous point: Before you ask a trans person any question that isn’t on your list, consider this: Would I tell it to another candidate? Except for pronouns, you should not ask the question if it isn't.

Although you may have questions for trans applicants you wish to answer and are good-intentioned, it is not the right time. Candidates may feel uncomfortable asking these questions, especially if the answers are not yet available.

Ask your team to give you a second opinion if you feel biased.

Unconscious bias is difficult to recognize. However, it is possible to ensure impartiality by sharing the resume and interview responses of the candidate with others in your team without disclosing any personal information. In addition, the candidate's performance will allow them to give you an objective opinion.

This does not mean that you will discriminate against any candidate. But unfortunately, many people aren't sure how to react when they encounter transgender people. Without you even realizing it, this can cloud your judgment.

Transgender applicants shouldn't be dismissed simply because they don't fit the "culture-fit strong>" criteria.

A " culture match hiring policy should promote a positive and collaborative work environment. Unfortunately, it is sometimes used to excuse hiring people with the same appearance. This can be a serious (and not justified!) barrier to entry for trans employees. Trans employees are on the verge of hiring their first employee.

78% of trans workers reported feeling more comfortable and productive after the transition. However, they still faced harassment and bias from their coworkers. Although you might be hesitant to accept a transgender person as a candidate, it is worth looking at the workplace culture.

To make culture more welcoming, you must act. It will not happen automatically. Discuss with your HR department unconscious bias training and other practices that can help improve inclusion in the workplace.

Having a positive work environment can make a massive difference in productivity and morale.

You can check to see if your policy covers transition-related care

Trans employees should also check their company's insurance coverage. Many companies offer transition-related benefits. Comprehensive coverage can help you attract top talent. Candidates should be able to ask questions.

These benefits are not necessary just because someone is transgender. Ask yourself if these benefits are something you would share with all applicants. It is a good idea if it comes up in conversation.


Professionally correct misgendering


Correct pronouns indicate whether the user respects a person’s gender identity. Misgendering is a possible occurrence in an interview. Misgendering refers to a person who incorrectly identifies a person's gender.

It is better to assume that misgendering was a mistake in a professional interview and not intentional. However, there are two steps to help you be an advocate for yourself and keep the discussion on track if this happens during your interview:

Politely correct the interviewer if the incorrect pronoun has been used. You can say something like, "Actually, it's Mr. not Ms." or "Actually, I use he/him pronouns."

Smile and continue the interview.

The reality is that the interviewer might be embarrassed by their error. Therefore, it's important to quickly correct the situation, apologize, and then shift the focus to your relevant skills and experience.


Practice self-care

It can be beneficial to practice self-care after an interview. For example, you can use relaxation techniques such as meditation or breathing exercises to calm yourself down. You may also find it helpful to talk with your support network and share your thoughts about the interview with someone you trust.

Know your rights and resources and when you can take action to stop discrimination.

Interviewing can be uncomfortable. However, transgender people and those who are not binary may encounter sex-based discrimination that they could be protected from—the U.S. The U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission states employers cannot deny employment or allow harassment. This includes situations where a woman doesn't dress or talk in a feminine way, a man dresses effeminately, or an employee is planning or has made gender transitions from male to female or male to female.

Wear what you find comfortable

You should choose professional and comfortable clothing for your interview. Wearing a dress that allows you to express yourself and move in is a way to feel more confident. It is good to look at the company's website to see how formal they are. Consider wearing neutral-colored clothing, such as slacks or button-down shirts in neutral colors for in-person and virtual interviews if possible.



